Friday, July 02, 2010


(This idea is blatantly copied from Katie who is brilliant in every way!)

Katie made a list of things she wants more or less of, and assigned point values to each item. Here are some examples from her list:
  • For every morning workout I complete, I earn 5 points.
  • For every dinner at the dinner table, I earn 5 points.
  • For every egg breakfast, I earn 3 points.
So she's assigned points to various activities, and then thought of rewards for certain point levels. I am a geeky girl who is highly motivated by rewards such as stickers and stars, and this might be a great way to improve my overall health habits.

So here's what comes to mind as activities that earn points:

DVD workout (I'm just trying Brazil Butt Lift from Beachbody)
Green smoothie
No sugar after dinner (this would be so huge for me)

I don't know how many points or what they'd earn, but I'm loving playing around with the idea. Katie, I will be closely following your progress in the month of July. Best of luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so funny to me that green smoothies are on both of our lists. I learned them from you!!! It's been a while since I've had one but I remember how great they are.