Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The end of an era

Tonight Austin was doing homework and used up the last of a glue stick. When he looked for another, there wasn't one. There was a time when glue sticks, crayons, and construction paper were staples just as much as bread, cheese, and apples. But no longer. With kids who are 14 and (in two weeks) 12, it's a different ballgame. Am I sad? Actually no. But two summers ago when I bought grown up hangers for Austin, and in the same week he told me he was completely done with his stuffed animal collection (all dogs -- super cute!), well that was a sad time to be sure.


Anonymous said...

The main thing is not the people they used to be, but the people they are becoming, and if it wasn't in part for your exceptional parenting, they'd be a lot worse now, and probably out on the street with bozos, sniffing Glue, not sticking stuff with it.

So you should be very proud of all you've done, and will continue to do for them.

WELL DONE Leslie, and have a wonderful day misses.

:-) :-)


ColeC said...

Ahhh I so know what you mean. They grow up and it's so hard. With each new "growing up thing" they do, we know it's one step closer to them moving out...ouch! My saddest day is coming soon I'm sure. In April, Justin will be 19. Already one of his friends has moved out of the house. Not looking forward to that day. The tears will be non-stop for sure :(