Saturday, May 06, 2006

Hello, it's me!

I have to pretend this is my second post to even get myself to start writing. The pressure of writing the right thing is intense for that all-important first post!

This is not my first time writing a weblog. But due to some -- well, let's just say there were some "technical difficulties" from my old weblog, I decided to completely delete it and start fresh. And while there's sadness associated with destroying more than a year's worth of effort, it was the right thing to do, and I choose to see this as a fresh start.

Also, my old weblog was very fitness oriented, and although I do love to exercise, it's not all of who I am. So it feels like this is a more true reflection of me.

And speaking of exercise, I'm not exercising at all these days. I'm recovering from some minor surgery, and have three more weeks of forced inactivity. Because I use exercise to help manage depression (and it works really well!) the idea of no exercise was frightening to me. Again, choosing to see this as an opportunity, I'm actually taking this time to learn how to eat clean -- really clean -- and know that I won't die just because I feel a little hungry. So far it's working. My clothes aren't getting tighter, and I can't wait to get back to exercise!

The other thing that's happening right now is we're remodeling nearly the entire downstairs of our house. Monday we head into week 6 of the inconvenience, disorder, and mess of construction. But I think we reached the peak of ick a few days ago, and now we're heading from chaos to order, rather than the other direction. So now we have a sink downstairs (there was no running water downstairs till a few days ago) and the dishwasher is hooked up. If I could find the camera I'd post pictures of what we're doing, but trust me when I say it's turning out great. And when I do find the camera, I'll be sure to share the changes.

Finally, I'd like to say that I believe that quote from Abraham Lincoln with all my heart. There is dignity and self worth to be found in whatever you are -- whatever you are -- when you put all of you into it. I have that quote on a wall in my house (hooray for Wall Words), and I have it as my license plate frame. I used to have it on my mom business cards, but I destroyed them all because they had my weblog address on them. But I'll be back on to order more this weekend -- again, a chance for a fresh start, right?

Whew! Glad that's done. Enjoy the day!

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