Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Big fingers?

My fingers have always been thin. My wedding ring is a 4-3/4, which I'm told is small. Well, my ring no longer fits and I don't know what to do. In the past few months I've been using a recovery drink that has a small amount of creatine in it (200 mg per serving), taking it once a day. Could that be why I can no longer wear my ring? My clothes are fitting with ease and my weight is fine, so it's not a weight thing. Could it be kettlebell workouts? My hands are more callused but not on my fingers. I've switched recovery drinks to one that has no creatine just in case that's it. Any ideas, friends? I want to be married again! :)


KatieFeldmom said...

I love the lots of blogging!!!

Could the larger fingers be from boxing? Maybe they're swollen a lil bit.

Good luck on the race this weekend!!!

Irene said...

Yep, could be the creatine. I always swell during the couple of days of carb loading prior to a long run, too.