On Monday I wrote about needing to rethink my eating. I still really like being vegetarian -- the idea of eating animals don't sit well for me (eating body parts or ground flesh -- no think you!), nor does it make sense to drink milk (that's for baby cows, not for me!). I eat very limited amounts of cheese and eggs. That all sounds good, right? Well, I've slipped back into my lazy processed food ways, so although I'm not eating animals, the way I'm eating is anything but healthy.
I continue to try to eat a whole foods based diet. I read everything
Tracy Reifkind writes and agree with her views. But I've been unwilling to put them into practice thus far.
So I started to think about what kind of leverage I can use on myself. Like what kind of deal can I make that will spur me into action. Because living like I do now:
Breakfast: handful of almonds, vegan protein bar, Diet Pepsi
Snack: some peanut butter?
Lunch: baby carrots and hummus, another protein bar
Snack: Frosted Mini Wheats and soy milk
Dinner: Salad? Frozen burrito? Whatever.
Post-dinner: Protein bar, or cereal again, maybe some Doritos or Sun Chips, anything chocolate
See much balance here? I sure don't!
So here's what I've come up with. I need to start eating real food. A lot more fruits and veggies. Just a better diet all together. And if I don't? I have to go back to eating meat.
So today I've had:
Breakfast: almonds, vegan protein bar (old habits die hard!)
Snack: Green smoothie (I've missed these!)
Lunch: Falafel wrap from U-Food
Snack: pumpkin apple muffin
Ok, so it's not the best, but it's better than before, don't you think? And my deal with myself has me thinking about my food choices, because I'd rather be a healthy carnivore than a processed/chemical-ed vegetarian. And I think that may be enough leverage to keep me moving towards better food choices, don't you?