Monday, March 09, 2009


I LOVE art. Do I know how to create art? No. Do I know much about art? No. But I love to look at art, particularly abstract and contemporary works.

This weekend we were at the state gymnastics championships, watching two of Austin and Tucker's former teammates compete. After the meet we hit Spaghetti Factory for dinner, and while we waited for a table, I saw a piece of art hanging in a wine bar just across from the restaurant. Curious, I went inside, and wow! I've rarely seen anything I like as much as these.

These amazing pieces are by Michelle Brunmier, a local artist. I'm planning to meet her at a reception at the end of the month (at that same wine bar) and I can't wait!


Marcy said...

Ohhhh I love that second piece! Very pretty and a total bonus that you're going to meet the artist as well. Sweet!

Run Mommy said...

Hi there! I found your blog on Marathon Mama and I really enjoy it! I am a veg mom of two and I am impressed by your transformation. I look forward to reading more!

Anonymous said...

Art is anythign the person wants it to be. Some would arge a Potato with a safety pin in it, would be art, or a Banana with a balloon on one end, or two different coloured curvey lines of paint, making an X shape might be art.

Art is limitless. The only boundaries to Art are in the mind of the viewer, or to some extent the Artist, in relation to their preferred method(s).

Personally I'm not a big arty person. I don't mind it, but I wouldn't necessarily get thrilled about going to a gallery per se.

Anyway, take care and best wishes.

:-) :-).
