Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Just for the girls

(All boys please leave the room, ok?)
So maybe it's just me, but I'm convinced I'd be 10 pounds lighter if there was a way to get rid of period cravings and the lack of willpower that seems to go along with them! I'm just glad I didn't have to deal with period nonsense for the race on Monday!
(Everyone is welcome back in the room now.)


Anonymous said...

La la la la la la laaa.

Oh wait is it safe to look now :-p :-p.

Tke care and best wishes :-).


Flo said...

Absolutely right!!! I can do so well for most of the month, then comes that week to 10 days where there are cravings, lack of energy, and just feeling like cr*p. UGH!!!

Irene said...

Which is the reason why I'm actually looking forward to menopause!

ColeC said...

Boy do I hear ya!
This is my weak week (sounds funny). Between bloating, cravings,'s no wonder we get hard on ourselves!
I will not weigh myself until AFTER it's over ;)