Friday, September 15, 2006

The coolest job!!!

Honestly, I have the coolest job!!! Maybe it's just the honeymoon phase, but I am seriously loving working with women to help them get fit. It's satisfying on every single level: physically because I get a teeny bit of a workout demonstrating exercises, mentally because it's a fascinating puzzle to figure out how to work around an instability or injury, or how much weight to use to be sore but not too sore, or when to introduce new exercises, emotionally because I love everyone I'm working with and it's fun to hang out with friends, and spiritually because I'm humbled by their willingness to trust themselves to me to help them get where they want to go!

My friend Kara in Colorado asked what I'm charging. Well probably the reason I'm finding clients so easily is that I'm FREE for the moment. I'm training people who have memberships at my gym, and we're using the gym facility to workout. So ethically I can't charge someone when my gym already has their own trainers. And I'm still learning, so I'd feel strange about charging someone when the truth is that I'm benefitting as much as they are. Once I get the room set up here and am certified, I think I'm going to charge $40 or $45 per hour. That's in line, from what I know, with the going rate in the area. And I'm planning to do fun stuff, like gifts when you reach a certain number of workouts, and some other nice things that I hope will help distinguish me from other trainers.

I am NOT doing this for the money -- I'm very clear about that. And there's a part of me that would just do it for nothing, even after setting up the room and getting certified. But I don't think that's the right move for a couple of reasons. First of all, people equate value with money. And I think it would be so much easier to blow off a training session if no money is involved. And second, I already have enough of the "I'm not good enough" going on in my head, without creating the experience of working but not getting paid, which would only feed that negative belief.

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