Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Too tired to think of a title

Couldn't sleep last night. I laid in bed from 1:00 till 2:00, then got up and stayed up for several hours. As a result, I got TONS done -- emails and paperwork attended to, client planning done. And when Tim got up at 4:15 (for his 6 am flight to Las Vegas), I was able to say good morning. But now it's almost lunchtime and I am fading fast! Even though I'm not feeling particularly articulate, I figured I could write a little as a pre-nap activity.

So what's going on? Well I've been playing with two software based training options, and I think I'm going to use Exercise Explorer, which came in the mail today! This will enable me to plan client workouts for when they're not exercising with me (great for my once a week girls). So the later today plan is to install and start to work with EE!

I ran 7 miles yesterday. It took 71 minutes, which I'm happy with, because the time included a 1/4 mile walking warmup, and some walking on the steeper hills. With the 1/2 marathon looming, it's encouraging to know that I did 7 and survived. I'm planning to do 9 this weekend and see how that goes.

The comments about the pictures from our vacation were so nice -- thank you, everyone! I was thinking, though, how unrepresentative of real life they are. Like if I took pictures of what my normal life is like, you'd see stuff like this:
  • me loading clothes into the washing machine
  • me driving kids all around within a 7 mile radius of her house
  • me scrambling to put dinner together
  • me seated at my desk, planning client workouts
Yeah, I guess that wouldn't make for such exciting images, huh?


Anonymous said...

You're going to be brilliant doing the half Marathon Leslie, and I know you'll put in a really good time. You really give all your Heart and inner self to anything you do, and that alone counts for so much, and will really be a key attibute, in how you perform and finish.

You should always be so proud of yourself, and you missed out some of the other important things you do in life.

1. Loving your kids.

2. Giving your time to your clients.

3. Giving your time to yourself, to make sure you are in good health, and feeling how you deserve to.

Those are all part of your real life too, and they are just as resentative of you as a person, as a pile of socks and a hot dinner are, and you should never overlook anything positive in your life, whether it happens for you, or whether it happens for others, because of you.

You're a truely unique and amazing woman / lady, and nothing you do will ever change what it means, and what it's worth, so you keep pushing for everything you want, (it WILL happen yeah), and don't ever think less of yourself than you deserve to.

You're doing a brilliant job of life, and you deserve to feel justly proud of all your accomplishments, not least your domestic environment, children, and personal achievements.

They are all real, and all a wonderful advertisement for you as a person, and even though that might not seem apparent to many, possibly even you, I think they are just that, and you should be applauded for them as well.

So you keep doing everything you are doing, and I'm sending you a BIG PAT ON THE BACK, some thanks for all your amazing inspiration, and to say I feel a lot of pride in you, and I hope you feel a lot of pride in you too.

In all the time I've known you, you've never done anything but impress, inspire, and illicit great admiration from people like me.

You are a 46 year old wonderwoman, with a Heart and personality to match, and it's worth a tonne :-) :-).

GODO LUCK and best wishes with all your client work and continued physial training, and whatever you do, don't ever fear yourself, just be strong, head held high, chin up, and you walk tall Leslie, and you show the world what it means to be Leslie.

You've more than earned that right.

Take care.

:-) :-).


chantal2bfit said...

If I can run a half marathon, practically anybody can! You're going ot rock it!

Love the Maui pics! I'm so jealous!

Irene said...

LOL... Real life pictures can be rather interesting! The first time I took a photography class, I took pictures of stuff and people in my own house. DH said that he didn't realize our house was so interesting!

Nice job on the running! I'm hoping it doesn't rain this weekend so I can get in my long run, too! I got in a slow 8 miler last weekend.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

ColeC said...

Well, it's nice to see vacation pictures, since we all know what every day life looks like (we're all there, doing that).

Seems like things are going good for you...I'm glad. Congrats on the 7 mile!