Monday, August 13, 2007

Last post of the night

One final clarification: I've decided to start eating a limited amount of fish, turkey, and chicken. Last week Austin smelled (I know -- ick) my tofu and declared it both looked and smelled like cat food. So I couldn't do tofu anymore. And it's just too darn hard to do veg right now. So yes, I ate my own turkey chili (it's a recipe from Oxygen magazine last year -- black beans, red peppers, tomatoes, celery, garlic, onions -- so yummy!) and fully enjoyed it. I'll still limit the amount of flesh foods I eat, but just that I'm letting myself have some is making a huge difference!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you're having a great day Leslie.

Keep on being you, and best wishes.

:-) :-).
